Rules & Regulations for Speakers

  1. Alignment with Event Theme: All presentations must align with the overall theme of the Global Wellness Expo 2024, which focuses on promoting health, well-being, and sustainability. Speakers should ensure that their topics are relevant and contribute to the event’s objectives.
  2. Prohibited Topics: 
    • Political or religious propaganda
    • Hate speech or discriminatory content
    • Explicit or offensive material 
    • Pseudoscience or unsubstantiated health claims 
    • Multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes
  3. Evidence-Based Content: Speakers should present information that is evidence-based, scientifically accurate, and supported by credible sources. Any health claims or recommendations must be backed by reliable research and data.
  4. Balanced Perspectives: Presentations should offer balanced perspectives and avoid promoting extreme or controversial viewpoints without providing context or alternative opinions.
  5. Commercial Limitations: While speakers may mention their own products, services, or affiliations, the primary focus of the presentation should be on providing valuable, informative content to attendees. Blatant sales pitches or excessive self-promotion are not allowed.
  6. Intellectual Property: Speakers must respect the intellectual property rights of others and ensure that they have permission to use any copyrighted or trademarked material in their presentations.
  7. Language and Cultural Sensitivity: Presentations should use appropriate language and be mindful of cultural sensitivities, considering the diverse international audience at the Global Wellness Expo 2024.
  8. Duration and Format: Speakers must adhere to the allocated time slot and format for their presentation, as specified in their speaker agreement. Any deviations must be approved by the Event Organizer in advance.
  9. Q&A and Audience Interaction: Speakers should allow time for audience questions and engage with attendees professionally and respectfully. They should be prepared to address different viewpoints and handle challenging questions diplomatically.
  10. Event Organizer’s Discretion: The Event Organizer reserves the right to review and approve all presentation content prior to the event. If a speaker’s topic or content is deemed inappropriate or not in line with these guidelines, the Event Organizer may request modifications or cancel the speaker’s participation.