Show Policies

For Attendees

All individuals attending the Global Wellness Expo must register through the official registration channels, which include the event website, authorized ticketing partners, or on-site registration desks. During the registration process, attendees are required to provide accurate and complete information, including their full name, contact details, professional affiliation, and any other mandatory fields specified by the event organizers. Upon successful registration, attendees will receive a confirmation and a unique registration code.

At the event venue, attendees must present their registration confirmation to collect their badge. The badge must be worn visibly at all times during the event to gain access to the exhibition halls, conference rooms, and other event areas. Attendees who lose their badge should immediately report it to the registration desk for a replacement, which may incur a fee.

To maintain a safe and secure environment for all participants, the Global Wellness Expo prohibits attendees from bringing certain items into the event venue. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Weapons of any kind, including firearms, knives, and explosives
  • Illegal drugs and controlled substances
  • Flammable materials and hazardous chemicals
  • Large or oversized bags, suitcases, or backpacks
  • Animals, except for registered service animals
  • Any other items deemed dangerous or inappropriate by the event organizers


The Global Wellness Expo reserves the right to inspect bags, packages, and personal belongings of attendees at any time during the event. Attendees must cooperate with security personnel and allow their belongings to be searched if requested. Any prohibited items found will be confiscated, and the attendee may be subject to further action, including removal from the event and reporting to law enforcement authorities if necessary.

Attendees are encouraged to travel light and avoid bringing unnecessary items to the event venue. The Global Wellness Expo will provide a secure coat check or luggage storage area for attendees to store their belongings, subject to availability and applicable fees.

The Global Wellness Expo is a professional trade event, and unauthorized solicitation or distribution of promotional materials within the event venue is strictly prohibited. Attendees should not engage in any form of commercial solicitation, sales activities, or distribution of marketing materials, such as flyers, brochures, or business cards, unless expressly permitted by the event organizers.

Exhibitors are allowed to promote their products, services, and brands within their allocated booth space, following the guidelines set by the event organizers. However, exhibitors should not solicit attendees or distribute promotional materials outside their booth area, in common areas, or in sessions and workshops.

Attendees who violate this policy may have their badges revoked and be asked to leave the event. The Global Wellness Expo reserves the right to take further action against individuals or companies engaging in unauthorized solicitation, including banning them from future events and reporting them to relevant authorities if necessary.

If attendees wish to network, exchange contact information, or discuss potential business opportunities, they should do so in a professional and consensual manner, respecting the privacy and preferences of other participants. The Global Wellness Expo may provide designated networking areas or events where attendees can connect and engage in business discussions.

The Global Wellness Expo is primarily a professional event intended for adult participants. However, we understand that some attendees may need to bring their children or minors under the age of 18 to the event. In such cases, the following policies apply:

  • Children and minors must be accompanied by a registered adult attendee at all times within the event venue.
  • The accompanying adult attendee is solely responsible for the safety, supervision, and behavior of their children or minors.
  • Children and minors must wear a badge provided by the event organizers, which clearly identifies them as accompanying a registered attendee.
  • Some event areas or activities, such as networking events or evening functions, may have age restrictions due to the presence of alcohol or the nature of the content. These restrictions will be clearly communicated in advance, and the accompanying adult attendee is responsible for ensuring compliance.
  • Strollers, baby carriers, and other child-related equipment must not obstruct aisles, walkways, or emergency exits. The event organizers reserve the right to request the removal of any items that pose a safety hazard.
  • If a child or minor is found unsupervised or causing disruption to the event, the event organizers will attempt to locate the accompanying adult attendee. If the adult cannot be found or the situation persists, the event organizers reserve the right to take appropriate action, including contacting local authorities or child protective services.

The Global Wellness Expo strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants while maintaining a professional atmosphere. Attendees are encouraged to use their best judgment when considering bringing children or minors to the event and ensure that their presence does not interfere with the experience of other participants.

For Exhibitors

Booth spaces at the Global Wellness Expo are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of a completed exhibitor contract and full payment. Exhibitors can select their preferred booth location from the available spaces on the event floor plan. However, the event organizers reserve the right to assign or reassign booth locations to optimize the overall layout, facilitate foot traffic, and ensure the success of the event.

Factors that may influence booth allocation include the exhibitor’s industry sector, booth size, special requirements, and the date of contract and payment receipt. The event organizers will make every effort to accommodate exhibitor preferences but cannot guarantee specific booth locations.

In the case of multiple exhibitors requesting the same booth space, priority will be given to the exhibitor who submitted their contract and payment first. The event organizers will work with the other exhibitors to find suitable alternative locations.

Once booth spaces have been allocated, exhibitors will receive a confirmation with their assigned booth number and location. Exhibitors must occupy and exhibit in their assigned booth space only and cannot sublet or transfer their space to another party without the prior written consent of the event organizers.

Exhibitors must adhere to the scheduled setup and teardown times provided by the event organizers to ensure a smooth and efficient move-in and move-out process. The specific dates and times for booth setup and teardown will be communicated to exhibitors well in advance of the event.

During the setup period, exhibitors can access the event venue to construct, decorate, and arrange their booth space. All booth construction and decoration must be completed before the opening of the event. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their booth complies with the event’s rules and regulations, including height restrictions, fire safety codes, and accessibility guidelines.

Exhibitors must use the designated freight entrances and loading docks for moving in their booth materials and equipment. The event organizers will provide detailed instructions on the move-in process, including parking, unloading, and storage of materials.

At the end of the event, exhibitors must promptly dismantle and remove all booth materials, decorations, and equipment during the designated teardown period. Exhibitors are responsible for arranging the disposal or removal of any waste or debris generated during the teardown process.

Exhibitors must leave their booth space in the same condition as they found it, free from any damage or residue. Any costs incurred by the event organizers for cleaning, repairing, or restoring a booth space to its original condition will be charged to the respective exhibitor.

Failure to adhere to the setup and teardown schedules may result in additional fees or penalties for the exhibitor. The event organizers reserve the right to remove or dispose of any materials or equipment left in the booth space after the designated teardown period, at the exhibitor’s expense.

Exhibitor booths must be staffed by authorized representatives during all open exhibition hours. The event organizers will provide a detailed schedule of the exhibition hours, including any dedicated trade or public access times.

Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their booth is adequately staffed throughout the event. Booth staff should be knowledgeable about the exhibitor’s products, services, and brand, and be able to engage with attendees professionally and effectively.

All booth staff must wear the official exhibitor badge provided by the event organizers at all times within the exhibition area. Exhibitors are responsible for registering their booth staff and providing accurate contact information.

Exhibitors are accountable for the conduct and professionalism of their booth staff. Booth staff should maintain a friendly and welcoming demeanor, respect the privacy and personal space of attendees, and refrain from any aggressive or inappropriate behavior.

Booth staff must not engage in any activities that may disrupt neighboring booths or the event as a whole, such as loud or intrusive sales tactics, obstructing aisles, or distributing promotional materials outside the booth space.

Exhibitors should ensure that their booth is staffed during all open exhibition hours. If a booth is found unattended for an extended period, the event organizers reserve the right to take appropriate action, such as covering the booth or removing promotional materials.

Exhibitors are responsible for managing the breaks, meals, and shift schedules of their booth staff. The event organizers will provide information on any designated exhibitor lounges, rest areas, or catering options available.

Exhibitors are encouraged to engage attendees through various booth activities and promotions. However, all such activities must be confined within the exhibitor’s allocated booth space and must not disrupt neighboring booths or the event as a whole.

Permitted booth activities and promotions may include product demonstrations, presentations, interactive displays, contests, giveaways, and the distribution of promotional materials. Exhibitors should ensure that their activities comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and event guidelines.

When planning booth activities, exhibitors should consider the noise levels, visual impact, and crowd management to avoid interfering with other exhibitors or creating safety hazards. The event organizers reserve the right to monitor and regulate booth activities to ensure a pleasant experience for all participants.

Exhibitors must not conduct any activities that may be considered offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate for a professional business environment. This includes the display or distribution of materials that are sexually explicit, politically controversial, or promote illegal substances.

The use of live animals, hazardous materials, or open flames in booth activities is strictly prohibited, unless prior written approval is obtained from the event organizers and the necessary safety precautions are in place.

Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses, permits, or approvals for their booth activities, such as those related to music licensing, food and beverage sampling, or the use of intellectual property.

If an exhibitor’s booth activities generate excessive noise, light, or traffic that disturbs neighboring booths or the event as a whole, the event organizers may request the exhibitor to modify or discontinue the activity.

Exhibitors must not extend their activities or promotions beyond their allocated booth space, including the distribution of promotional materials in common areas, aisles, or other exhibitors’ booths, without the prior permission of the event organizers.

Exhibitors must keep sound and lighting levels within acceptable limits to avoid disturbing other exhibitors and attendees. The Global Wellness Expo aims to create a comfortable and professional environment for all participants.

Sound: Exhibitors may use audio equipment or presentations within their booth space, but the sound levels must be kept at a reasonable volume. The event organizers recommend that sound levels do not exceed 70 decibels (dB) measured at the booth boundary. If an exhibitor’s sound levels exceed the acceptable limits or generate complaints from neighboring booths, the event organizers will request the exhibitor to reduce the volume or take appropriate measures to mitigate the disturbance. Exhibitors must ensure that any music played in their booth is properly licensed and does not infringe upon any copyright laws. The use of microphones, megaphones, or other sound amplification devices is not permitted without the prior approval of the event organizers.

Lighting: Exhibitors may use lighting fixtures and displays within their booth space to enhance their visual presentation. However, the lighting should not be excessively bright, flashy, or disruptive to other exhibitors or attendees. The use of strobe lights, lasers, or other intense lighting effects is not allowed without the prior approval of the event organizers and the implementation of necessary safety measures. Lighting fixtures must be directed towards the exhibitor’s own booth space and not towards neighboring booths or common areas. Exhibitors should consider the overall lighting ambiance of the exhibition hall and avoid creating stark contrasts or glare that may affect the visitor experience.

The event organizers reserve the right to monitor and regulate sound and light levels throughout the exhibition. If an exhibitor’s sound or lighting is found to be disruptive or non-compliant with the event guidelines, the organizers may request immediate adjustments or enforce penalties, including the possible shutdown of the booth.

Exhibitors are encouraged to be mindful of their neighbors and proactively manage their sound and lighting levels to contribute to a pleasant and harmonious exhibition environment. Open communication and cooperation among exhibitors can help resolve any potential issues related to sound and light control.

Exhibitors who wish to distribute food or beverage samples at their booth must obtain prior approval from the event organizers and comply with all applicable health and safety regulations.

Approval Process: Exhibitors must submit a written request to the event organizers at least 30 days before the event, detailing the type of food or beverage samples they intend to distribute, the quantity, and the method of distribution. The event organizers will review the request and may require additional information or documentation, such as ingredient lists, allergen declarations, or food safety certifications. Upon approval, exhibitors will receive written confirmation from the event organizers, along with any specific guidelines or restrictions they must follow.

Health and Safety Regulations: Exhibitors must comply with all local, state, and federal health and safety regulations related to food and beverage handling, preparation, and distribution. All food and beverage samples must be prepared, stored, and served in accordance with the applicable food safety standards, including temperature control, sanitation, and hygiene practices. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permits or licenses from the relevant health authorities for the distribution of food and beverage samples. Food and beverage samples must be individually portioned, packaged, or served using disposable containers and utensils to minimize the risk of contamination. Exhibitors must provide appropriate waste disposal bins and ensure that their booth area is kept clean and free from food debris or spills.

Sampling Guidelines: Food and beverage samples must be limited to bite-sized portions or small quantities, typically no more than 2 ounces for beverages and 1 ounce for food items. Samples must be offered free of charge to attendees and not sold for monetary value. Exhibitors must not distribute any alcoholic beverages as samples without the prior approval of the event organizers and the necessary licenses and permits from the relevant authorities. Sampling should be conducted within the exhibitor’s allocated booth space and not obstruct aisles or traffic flow. Exhibitors are responsible for managing any allergies or dietary restrictions related to their samples and must clearly label any potential allergens or ingredients.

The event organizers reserve the right to monitor and regulate food and beverage sampling activities to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and event guidelines. Exhibitors found to be in violation of these policies may face penalties, including the possible revocation of sampling privileges or closure of their booth.

Exhibitors are encouraged to work closely with the event organizers and local health authorities to ensure a safe and enjoyable sampling experience for attendees while minimizing any potential risks or liabilities.

Exhibitors hosting events outside of the official Global Wellness Expo program must not conflict with the event schedule and must be approved by the event organizers in advance.

Approval Process: Exhibitors must submit a written request to the event organizers at least 60 days before the event, providing details of the proposed exhibitor-sponsored event, including the date, time, location, format, and purpose. The event organizers will review the request to ensure that it does not conflict with the official event program, compete with other exhibitor-sponsored events, or violate any event policies or agreements. Upon approval, exhibitors will receive written confirmation from the event organizers, along with any specific guidelines or conditions they must adhere to.

Scheduling: Exhibitor-sponsored events must not be scheduled during the official exhibition hours, conference sessions, or any other Global Wellness Expo program elements. Exhibitors should consider the overall event schedule and avoid overlap with key activities, such as the opening ceremony, keynote speeches, or networking events. The event organizers may provide recommendations or restrictions on the timing of exhibitor-sponsored events to minimize conflicts and optimize attendance.

Venue and Logistics: Exhibitors are responsible for securing and coordinating the venue, catering, audiovisual equipment, and any other logistical requirements for their sponsored events. Exhibitors must ensure that the venue and event setup comply with all applicable health and safety regulations, accessibility guidelines, and event policies. The Global Wellness Expo does not provide any financial, logistical, or promotional support for exhibitor-sponsored events, unless agreed upon in writing with the event organizers.

Promotion and Invitations: Exhibitors may promote their sponsored events through their own channels, such as their website, social media, or email campaigns, but must not use the official Global Wellness Expo branding or logos without prior permission. Invitations to exhibitor-sponsored events should be distributed discreetly and not interfere with the overall event experience or other exhibitors’ activities. Exhibitors must not use the Global Wellness Expo attendee list or registration data for their event invitations without the explicit consent of the event organizers and the individuals concerned.

Liability and Responsibility: Exhibitors are solely responsible for the content, conduct, and liability of their sponsored events and must indemnify the Global Wellness Expo organizers against any claims, damages, or expenses arising from such events. Exhibitors must obtain appropriate insurance coverage for their sponsored events and provide proof of insurance to the event organizers upon request.

The event organizers reserve the right to monitor exhibitor-sponsored events and take appropriate action if they violate event policies, disrupt the official program, or negatively impact the overall event experience. Exhibitors found to be in breach of these guidelines may face penalties, including the possible revocation of exhibition privileges or exclusion from future events.

Exhibitors are encouraged to work closely with the event organizers to ensure that their sponsored events align with the goals and values of the Global Wellness Expo while providing a valuable and complementary experience for attendees.